A variety of daily activities are provided to our patrons as scheduled on the calendar of events. Examples are shopping, exercise, education (a variety of subject areas of particular interest to seniors), health screenings, bingo, trips (local such as River Market, fishing, museums, art centers and longer such as to the Isle of Capri, New England tour and cruises), Bible studies, eating at local restaurants, various types of entertainment, dances (live bands), and holiday celebrations. Activities and trips away from the center have a nominal fee to cover costs.
Below are a few examples of the MANY classes our center has to offer!
An 8 week class that addresses fall related issues, how to prevent falls and exercises to strengthen our entire body as we think about prevention. A very interactive and fun class that gives participants the opportunity to share and learn from others experiences.
A gentle slow moving exercise that promotes health and mental relaxation . It has many backward and forward movements in order to improve mobility, also movements which helps breathing. The Soon form that is taught here has a higher stance making it easier for senior adults who are seeking the health benefits of Tai-Chi.
Zumba Gold targets the largest growing segment of the population: Baby Boomers, it takes the Zumba formula and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active older participants, as well as those just starting their journey to fit a healthy lifestyle.
PEPPI (Peer Exercise Program Promotes Independence) is a physical activity program specifically designed for older adults. Its purpose is to increase physical fitness and independence. PEPPI is lead by Sandra Estes, long time employee and member of the center. Sandra has been trained thru the PEPPI instructor training course on all of the components of PEPPI, including flexibility, balance, strength, and endurance exercises.
Feel and experience the pulsating rhythms, dynamic movements, and powerful percussions of this new high-energy dance and rhythm program. Drums Alive™ Power Beats combines traditional aerobic movements with the powerful beat and rhythms of the drums. It is a workout for the entire mind, body, and spirit!
Ageless Grace® is a cuttingedge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all 5 functions of the brain strategic planning, memory/recall, analytical thinking, creativity and imagination, kinesthetic learning and simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function. We are excited to have the opportunity to bring this class to our center, and we hope you will enjoy it! Please join us Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am in the Safe Room!
AARP www.aarp.org -- Organization dedicated to the needs of people age 50 and over.
Alzheimers Arkansas www.alz.org Nonprofit organization serving those affected by Alzheimers disease.
Arkansas Senior Olympics www.srsports.org -- Information about Senior Olympics and other state games sponsored by the Senior Arkansas Sports Organization.
AR GetCare www.argetcare.org -- Statewide listing of aging adult services.
CareLink www.care-link.org/cl -- Nonprofit organization serving needs of seniors in Central Arkansas.
City of Jacksonville www.cityofjacksonville.net -- City of Jacksonville website.
City of Sherwood www.ci.sherwood.ar.us -- City of Sherwood website.
Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce www.jacksonville-arkansas.com -- Information about Jacksonville, Arkansas.
Jacksonville Museum of Military History http://jaxmilitarymuseum.org -- Museum of military history.
Little Rock Air Force Base www.littlerock.af.mil -- Information about Little Rock Air Force Base.
Medicare www.medicare.gov -- Federal Medicare website.
National Institute of Health www.nihseniorhealth.gov -- Information on senior health issues.
Social Security Administration www.ssa.gov -- Website for the Social Security Administration.
U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs www.va.gov -- Home page for the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs.